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NEWS 2021

NEWS '21: Our Team
Banner - Spiritual Battle Rattle Message


M.King Media's Newest Devotional 'Spiritual Battle Rattle' Is Available Online

Prepare to Mount a Defense, by Squashing the Lies of the Devil.

MESA, Ariz. - Dec. 18, 2021 --- M.King, Founder & President of M.King Media INC. recently debuted a devotional that aims to help believers as they fight the good fight of faith. This devotional called "Spiritual Battle Rattle", looks at 10 lies the devil has sold to the church and how God's word not only contradicts these lies but also wants to embolden and empower God's people to be made for more.

"We are living in a day and time when the great commission looks like it's being fulfilled more by Satan than the church," M.King said recently. "Jesus said to be fishers of men, well Satan wants to mimic God, and what better way to fish for men than to lie to them. This devotional aims at taking lies such as "What are you going to do to impress me" and "Christians Are Supposed to Tell Everyone Everything?" and holding them against the framework of the Bible to help people know what God says and give people the victory they deserve."

Spiritual Battle Rattle Details:

  • 10 lies taken from our day-to-day life

  • 10 scriptures hand-picked to confront and break these lies

  • Commentary and insight into what God wants us to learn

  • A prayer against each lie to bring both spiritual truth and victory

Spiritual Battle Rattle is available for purchase on


NEWS '21: Our Team
Announcemment 1of3B


M.King Media Officially Announces New Website Coming

As of Wednesday, November 3rd M.King Media Inc. has officially announced, that it is working on a new website. The website will be hosted by Wix.

" We got the word in late September that Moonfruit our current host for the last eight and a half years was going to be shutting down," said M.King. "So here we are now trying to scramble to build a new website, move our domain name, move our email, and trying to get all the blog posts that we've done over the years so it's very interesting".

Currently standing King is also preparing something for followers of M.King Media in the coming weeks as well as getting ready to do the annual board meeting.

NEWS '21: Our Team
Motivate 2022


‘Motivate ’21' Kicks Off 9th Ministry Season

M.King Media INC. has officially kicked off its 9th ministry season with Motivate '21 and this year's theme is 'Power'

This year's event is really something special. Not only is the event shorter than last year's by 30 mins it also has our sermon, worship, and a great interview (a first for our ministry) that is really sure to be such a blessing.

To enjoy Motivate'21 tune in on our Motivate page and stay tuned for our blog to learn more behind the scene tidbits.

The Lord Is.... series


Episode 6 ‘The Lord Is… My Shepherd’ Makes Its Debut

M.King Media INC. has debuted its final episode for summer 2021 in "The Lord Is..." series, "The Lord Is... My Sheperd".

"This episode is one that I'm sure many are familiar with," said M.King creator of the series. "Psalm 23, is one that I heard a lot growing among those who knew Christ and those who didn't, I truly believe this 6th episode will really hit home with a lot of viewers." 

Motivate 2022


‘Motivate ’21’ Will Embrace Gods Power

Every year to kick off our ministry season M.King Media begins with an event that started 5 years ago, that event is "Motivate". Motivate is an event that encourages people to take one day to use their money to do one thing to reach their community for Jesus. 

Founder M.King had this to say, "It's hard to believe it's been 5 years. I remember in 2016 going and renting out the room for the 1st Motivate, and getting the band and getting the food, and doing our 1st community project. It was a lot of work but it was rewarding to see how God could use our then 3-year-old ministry. Now here we are on the verge of kicking off our 9th ministry season and doing our event online for 2021. The things God can do when you action behind your faith.

"Motivate '21: "Power" will be streaming on Saturday, September 25th, 2021 

NEWS '21: Our Team
The Lord Is... My Shield


Episode 5 ‘The Lord Is… My Shield’ Makes Its Debut

M.King Media INC. has debuted its 5th episode in a series that takes some well-known Psalms and turns them into modern productions with both modern-day photos and a more modern translation of the Bible.

"Oh yeah, I'm really happy with this production." said M.King "I mean it was tough having to push it back for a few days, but it's great to see just what we can do with this fun idea and how we can better put it out for people to enjoy "

While Episode 5 is finished and Episode 6 is the last production for the summer, there is hope that the organization can get more eyes on this production. The organization plans on changing its social media marketing in August, as part of a test program.

The Lord Is... My Shield

JULY 2021 | NEWS

Episode 5 'The Lord Is... My Shield' DELAYED

Due to circumstances outside of our control

"The Lord Is... My Shield" Ep 5 scheduled for July 31st, 2021 will now be

postponed until

August 2nd, 2021

Thank You for your patience

News 1

JULY 2021 | NEWS

M.King Media Sets Sights on Apache Junction AZ. With Latest Survey

M.King Media INC. has surveyed people in Apache Junction Arizona looking to know one thing, Is there a market for people looking to go the 14-miles to Light Rail?

"While some people might take public transportation for granted, people in Apache Junction don't have that ability," said M.King founder of M.King Media. "This has been on my heart for years and it seems God may be moving on our organization to do something about it".

While there is no clear timetable M.King does believe that God wants to help people living in this community especially when it comes to the gospel and transportation. "All we can do for now is pray for wisdom concerning this and rest in the presence and timing of the Lord," said M.King.

NEWS '21: Our Team
The Lord Is My Light 1B

JULY 2021 | NEWS

Episode 4 'The Lord Is... My Light' Debuts 

June 30th, M.King Media released episode 4 of its summer series 'The Lord Is..'. The series takes various books from Psalms and creates beautiful encouraging media pieces with photography and narration.

"It's very exciting to be producing this summer series again said M.King. "I am a firm believer that people are being blessed by it"

"The Lord Is.." series continues into the summer with two more episodes. One in July and the other in August.

NEWS '21: Our Team
TFB Season 7 Card 1B

JUNE 2021 | NEWS

'The Friday Blog' debuts Season 7

It's been 2 years in the making, the 7th season of "The Friday Blog" has debuted. This clever show takes everyday items that you interact with within your daily life and uses them to show you how to spread the good news with others.

"For the last 3 season's we have been taking everyday items and using them to spread the message of Jesus Christ and it seems like just when our cup is emptied out God refills it," said M.King.

This season of "The Friday Blog" will take a water bottle, a lantern, and a candle just to name a few to spread the goodness to viewers

NEWS '21: Our Team
The Fate of Three Trees (25)

MAY 2021 | NEWS

25th Animated Story Has Been Released 

On Friday, May 7th M.King debuted his 25th animated story "The Fate of Three Trees"

You know I really wanted to create an animated story that talks about 3 trees from the lukewarm, cold, and hot teachings Jesus said. I think this hits the nail on the head

NEWS '21: Our Team
They That Endure... News Snip


M.Kings 4th Devotional "They That Endure..." Debuts 

"They That Endure" a 10-day devotional that looks at 6 examples from the Bible to show us how to endure in desperate times, has made its debut.

"There is so much that can comfort us from God's word, in these very dark and uncertain times," said M.King concerning his new devotional.

The devotional is available for a $5 gift

NEWS '21: Our Team
St Patrick Patron Saint of the Irish 1B


Our Latest Mini-Documentary has debut

"St. Patrick: Patron Saint of the Irish" has debuted and it covers the life, legacy, and impact of the Patron Saint in our lives and lives all around the world.

NEWS '21: Our Team


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