BLOG 2022
Q & A w/ M.King: M.King Media Gets Ready to Mark 10 Years
This Q&A we talk with M.King about M.King Media celebrating its 10th anniversary and what's in store in 2023
Q: First off, congratulations on such a big milestone how does it feel?
M.King: Yeah, when I think about everything that's transpired over a decade and what's in front of us in 2023, it's incredible. To realize that God has been orchestrating something like this for 10 years and that we're getting ready to mark such a huge milestone and then I think about all the lives that have been blessed by this media Ministry over the last 10 years. Moonfruit (our last web host) said just before they shut down last year that we had 100,000 views across our website
Q: Wow, 100,000 views do you ever sit back and wonder how this ministry has impacted people's lives over 10 years?
M.King: You know I would be lying if I said I don't really wonder. There are times I really do sit back and think about how these lives have been impacted. Was it a little bit, or was it a lot? Did our media help them come out of depression? Did it change their life? Did it save a family member? There's so much that can go through your mind, especially with that many people but I think because a lot of them have not reached out to me, I don't think it really dwells on my mind as much but then again, I just kind of learned about this and started really thinking about it this past few weeks so we'll see by the end of next year if things will be different.
Q: So we normally ask this about projects but, I want to ask this about the year 2023. What do you hope people are going to gain from next year?
M.King: You know the theme for next year is "Rejoice" and if anything I just want people to Rejoice with us to celebrate what God has done. You know that's one of the things we're doing in our emails we're posting our history, we're talking about the milestones that have taken place over 10 years and so if all else I just want people to Rejoice with us then just thank the Lord with us about all that he's done and all that he's going to do over the course of time.
Side Note: M.King Media will turn 10 years old on May 20th, 2023
Q & A w/ M.King: It's Not the Seed, It's the Soil
In this Q&A with M.King, we talk with him about his latest devotional "Good Seed Bad Soil" and find out just why this devotional is so near and dear to his heart.
Q: This devotional is called "Good Seed, Bad Soil" can you explain to us the idea behind the name?
M.King: I explained the reason behind the name in the prologue of the devotional but, in short, the Lord asked me to send an email and I did it and because of management everything went sideways for me because of it well, long story short, I find myself questioning did God really tell me to do this and in the end, I was at church and the Lord said "You can have good seed but sow it into bad soil. Was the seed bad or was the soil bad?"
Q: When people read this devotional, what do you expect them to get out of it & what do you want people to see when they read this?
M.King: You know I believe as a Christian we are moving into a day and time and generation where the world is turning away from us. Christians are not what they used to be to America, and to the world and I think it's only a matter of time before we have to stand up to authority. We're going to have to be in situations that are uncomfortable for us and I really think this devotional helps shed light on that. It's the idea that God does call his people to stand up to authority and be put in uncomfortable situations. So I really hope that people understand that this is not just me looking at the past as much as it's me pointing at a principle that can be applied to the future.
Side Note: If you would like to purchase "Good Seed Bad Soil" you can purchase this devotional for $4.99 on our website.
Q & A w/ M.King: MLK's Faith Front & Center
For the month of October, we go behind the scenes of M King Media's latest mini-documentary Martin Luther King Jr.: A Mighty Man of Faith.
Q: So tell us for this month what's this project about and what made you want to go about creating this mini-documentary?
M.King: This project is about Martin Luther King Jr. but, unlike projects in the past this project focuses more on his faith and not so much on things like the "I Have a Dream" speech or things like the "Letter from a Birmingham jail".
The reason why this project was created was because I feel like a lot of people in America Focus so much on Martin Luther King Jr's time as a civil rights leader and not his faith and Martin Luther King Jr spent the majority of his life studying God's word he only spent a small portion of his life as a civil rights leader and my hope is this mini documentary will point that out and help people to understand who he was and what he brought to the table
Q: So when you were creating this mini-documentary, what is something you learned that you didn't know before?
M.King: I didn't know how dedicated Martin Luther King was to his faith. How he was willing to be committed to the gospel and to the word of God and how he ended up studying God's word and learning God's word at such a young age. I didn't know he went to college at the age of 15. I didn't know his maternal grandfather and his father and he himself all went to the same college.
Q: So after it's all said and done what do you want viewers to learn and walk away with from this mini-documentary?
M.King: I want people to understand that Martin Luther King's faith was strong. I want people to know he was more than just a civil rights leader, he was a mighty man of God, and he was a hero of the faith. I want people to walk away from this really thinking about what he said and how it intersects with God's word.
Side Note: To view Martin Luther King Jr.: A Mighty Man of Faith - A Mini Documentary check out "Exclusive" content on our website, click the video, and follow the instructions.
Q & A w/ M.King: Motivate '22 Was A Very Different Event
For September 2022, this month's Q&A with M.King goes behind the scenes and gets the scoop on this year's Motivate 2022 event.
Q: So, this year's event was a little different than the last 3, tell us why?
M.King: This years Motivate unlike the last 2 actually went back in time and was done outside of my apartment. For a while, it was a challenge to rent a space at the event venue we used to use due to the large price, and not only was it that, but also COVID came through and I really believe The Lord wanted us to refine and improve our production quality at home. But now we are back and this year we rented a conference room of all places to do this event.
Q: So, you said a conference room? What made you choose that and were their challenges with filming in such a small space?
M.King: You know whenever you film in a new environment you always have a vision of what it is going to look like, whether that be room-wise or just production-wise.
I know for starters the room was smaller than I expected and to top it off the idea I had in mind fell through because I didn't bring a production light, so that being said it really was a challenge trying to solve the problems, but as you see by the finished production everything worked out and I can say with hope we might have a new studio to film in whenever possible.
Q: So, with this "new studio" what do u think M.King Media will use it for?
M.King: Well for now we hope to use it for commentary and hopefully more interviews but only time can truly tell what God has in store for pending ha-ha
Side Note: To view Motivate 2022 check out our website and click on the “Motivate '22” link at the top of the page.
Q & A w/ M.King: 'The Lord Is...' Ends Season 3 with Psalm 16
In this Q&A we go behind the scenes with M.King and talk about the last episode of "The Lord Is.." season 3. "The Lord Is... My Chosen"
Q: What made you pick Psalm 16 for this episode?
M.King: Well to be honest with you I ended up doing a Google Search and I typed in "the Lord is" and this was one of the ones that came up. It may sound like a quick way to pick something, but you know honestly, I think the more I delve into it, it really encouraged my spirit. I'm glad that this was picked, something that God allowed by a simple Google search.
Q: So, what do you hope people will gain from episode 9 of 'The Lord Is...' series?
M.King: I really hope people gain a greater respect for the Lord and his goodness. I hope people realize that Psalm 16 represents not all the promises of God but, a sliver of the promises of God. That's something I really hope people get out of this, the fact that God has so many promises in store for us, and this episode is just a fraction of it all.
Side Note: ""The Lord Is... My Chosen" (Episode 9) begins streaming on August 31st, 2022
JULY 2022 | BLOG
Q & A w/ M.King: 'The Lord Is...' Gets Made In A Unique Way
In this Q & A, we go behind the scenes of The Lord Is.. episode 8, and talk with M King about an interesting situation he had to go through in order to complete this media production.
Q: In continuing the summer series The Lord Is... what did you enjoy most about working on episode 8?
M.King: You know I think with this episode looking up the pictures was the most interesting thing for me because I didn't have the ability to use my computer I had to use my cell phone
Q: Ok, so you ended up having to use your cell phone to find the pictures so when it came to using Psalm 118 as a reference how did you handle that?
M.King: Hahaha well if anybody's wondering I had to do this while I was at my security job. This month has just been a lot of little things, it's kind of like little maintenance projects here and there, but I ended up using the computer at my security job for Psalm 118, and then I ended up using my cell phone to try to find the pictures... Haha
Side Note: "The Lord Is... My Strength" (Episode 8) begins streaming on August 3rd, 2022
JUNE 2022 | BLOG
Q & A w/ M.King: 'The Lord Is...' Episode 7 Is Coming
In this Q & A, we go behind the senses of the 7th episode of "The Lord Is..." series and look into what is familiar and different for the 3rd year of this summer series.
This summer you will kick off the 7th episode of "The Lord Is..." series. What is different about this episode compared to the last 6 episodes?
M.King: You know in the years past this series has been a vehicle for us to look at the Psalms and create a media piece that makes it not only both more modern-day in its speech, but also imagery. This year we are expanding to the book of Proverbs and the title of Episode 7 will be called: "The Lord Is... A Strong Tower'
Q: Ok, so now that we know what's different, about this year's 7th episode. What can we look forward to when it comes to the familiar?
M.King: When it comes to what is familiar we really liked how in the past we used photos to help tell the scriptures and help people to really see the beauty of God's word. In this episode, we really wanted to continue that theme by really focusing on the message of hope and really bringing it more to life through the production itself.
Side Note: "The Lord Is... A Strong Tower" (Episode 7) begins streaming on July 15th, 2022
MAY 2022 | BLOG
Q & A w/ M.King: "The Shipyards" Is A God Sent?
In this Q & A, we talk with M King about his latest animated story "The Shipyards", and find out just how this animated story was handed over to him
Q: So this latest animated story is called "The Shipyards" where did this whole concept, this whole media project come from?
M.King: You know as long as I've been a Christian I've always been a firm believer over time that God can reach you in just some of the most incredible ways. I think it's funny because this came to me almost like a vision. Really, the Lord just kind of showed me you know that sometimes what you're looking for is not out there it's actually in a place you didn't really think it was......a lot closer thank you think.
Q: You made the statement that "it was.. a lot closer than you think", what do you mean and what do you hope people are going to get from this production?
M.King: So when I made this statement "it was a lot closer than you think" I was really just thinking about the whole concept for "The Shipyards". You know sometimes we find ourselves looking out and looking around and trying to think about what God has for us. In reality, sometimes we have to sit back and realize that God loves us so much that he wants to make something genuinely just for us. Why do we have to always have something that someone else has? Why can't God just make something just for us? That's what this production is about the fact that God loves us so much he's making something just for us.
Side Note: "The Shipyards An Animated Story" debuts June 11th, 2022.
Q & A w/ M.King: Black America Gets Taught By M.King
In this Q & A, we speak with M.King about a 2nd Special Report in production called 'Black America We Have A Problem!'
Q: Black America: We Have A Problem! What is this new production all about?
M.King: This production was done because I have always in my heart felt as if the African American community has always missed something. When everyone was out marching concerning George Floyd I personally as a devout Christian was wondering what I should do. It was during that time that I fasted and prayed and God really showed me that Jews and African Americans are very similar to an extent. The Jews over time have been blessed while the African America community struggles to understand God's blessing. Personally, this is the reason why a production like this to me is necessary.
Q: How does this production personally affect you as an African American?
M.King: Growing up as an African American in a Christian home, I never grew up hearing negative things about the police or white people. I grew up in a community of people with different skin colors and cultures. I went to school with people from Bosnia. So for me as a Christ-follower seeing what the African American has become when it comes to crime and these various movements and marches, I personally feel that Black America needs a production like this to understand that God really is for them.
Side Note: Black America: We Have A Problem! debuts on May 10th, 2022
Q & A w/ M.King: 'The Friday Blog' Is Filming Season 8
In this Q & A, we speak with M.King about the 8th season of The Friday Blog and the 4th season using everyday items to share the word in unique ways
Q: In this next project, you'll be using everyday items to share the gospel. Was this season of The Friday Blog more difficult than others?
M.King: To be honest, this season of The Friday Blog was more challenging. I had a lot of studying to do for on-the-job training, so that limited the amount of time I could spend on this media project. I'm thankful to the Lord that He really helped me accomplish this. You know unique trials and tribulations really can bring out God's best in your life, so I really think this season of the Friday blog is going to be unique and more genuine than the last few seasons.
Q: What do you hope viewers gain from these 6 episodes of The Friday Blog?
M.King: You know honestly with these 6 new episodes of The Friday Blog, I really hope people gain not only a curiosity for sharing God's word but, I really hope people gained almost an awe and wonder for the creativity and the awesomeness of God.
Side Note: The Friday Blog: season 8 debuts on April 9th, 2022
Q & A w/ M.King: M.King Creates A Special Report Concerning The Church
In this Q & A, we speak with M.King about creating M.King Media's first Special Report and, how this investigative approach can bring the organization into a new type of media production.
Q: This organization will be doing a 'special report' Tell us why?
M.King: You know for a long time as a believer I have always had questions. I have always wondered about things. I've always had opinions about certain things and, I've never felt like I've had the proper place to investigate these ideas or put these ideas out in a more constructive way. I think "special reports'' kind of gives me that opportunity to do that and kind of look into some things that I've always wondered about.
Q: With this first 'special report' what are you looking to investigate or look into?
M.King: You know with this first one I really want to look into something that I think a lot of people have always questioned; the difference of beliefs in the church. In this production I look at 4 distinctive faiths, hold them next to one another and ask the question "Are We The Church?" Is this the church that God envisioned? Is the church that Jesus professed when he said to Peter "Upon This Rock, I'm going to build my church"? So I think it's going to be interesting. I'm learning a lot about Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and of course Evangelicals. So it's going to be a very very enlightening media piece.
Side Note: "Are We The Church?" (special report) will begin streaming Thursday, March 10th, 2022
Q & A w/ M.King: Impacted By William Tyndale's Life
Today, we go behind the scenes with M.King about his latest mini-documentary, 'William Tyndale: Documentation Beats all Conversation'
Q: Why did you feel the need to make a mini-documentary about William Tyndale?
M.King: This mini-documentary was made because I really felt compelled by William Tyndale's story. Just to hear how he was willing to rebel against the norm and translate the Bible into a language that people saw as lesser than. It was just something that motivated me. He was willing to devote his life to a work that God was calling him and that wasn't popular. Tyndale was interested in pleasing God and not pleasing man even to the point of being a martyr for it.
Q: What is something that you learned from this mini-documentary, that you feel is going to stick with you?
M.King: One thing that I learned from the mini-documentary that will stick with me is, that sometimes you have to put your neck on the line in order to carry your cross. That is something I really learned from doing the Martin Luther mini-documentary a few years ago and that's something I definitely got impounded in me with this mini-documentary. Sometimes, God will call you to do things that go against the norm in order to advance His kingdom.
Q: What do you want people to think about after watching this?
M.King: You know my biggest hope and desire from this mini-documentary is that people understand that those who lived in the times before us didn't have it easy. They didn't have the comforts we have. They had it harder and yet they were still able to step out and do what God called them to do. So my hope is that people will get emboldened and want to step out and do what God is calling them to do. Because the people of old had less earthly comforts, but more comfort in Christ.
Important Note: William Tyndale: Documentation Beats All Conversation - A Mini Documentary debuts February 2nd, 2022